Monument. Skin. Excavation (MSE) at HKW Berlin 27th November 2011 12PM

Inspired by the discovery of four bare, monumental pedestals within the environs of HKW, ‘Monument. Skin. Excavation’ seeks to probe and expose the local city/skin surface as a blank/monument, a body without symptoms. During the workshop, participants will construct simple devices for the overlay of electromagnetic, underground and skin surfaces to be activated during an experimental walk and dig through Tiergarten.

As places are limited, please register by contacting Martin Howse m [at] The participation is free.

MSE is part of tracing mobility.

See also:

Activities and notes

  • surface playback and primarily inscription: making recordings on surfaces
  • excavation and unearthing (of buried measurement devices)
  • burying of constructed crypts (inverted monuments to technology, buried symptoms)
  • construct devices as above
  • lichenometry on found monuments ,, forensic geology or forensic geoscience
  • castings (in what material?)
  • psychogeo forensic reports at key monument locations
  • entropy logging only
  • geomancy (as divination) - that the blank can be used to signal (anything) - devising this system (charts)

methods of divination in the landscape

Divining a location: dowsing, the use of animals,

Divining a question: geomancy in one sense, rustling leaves (phyllomancy), aeromancy (cloud formation)



As a rough indicator let's say 1mm per year, but lichens may take time to become established. Corroborate findings with dates (such as of monuments or gravestones).




  • introduction/discussion - the blank. without symptoms
  • construction - of crypts to be buried, of divination devices, of scratchers and other playback devices
  • walk with devices, scrying or divining of locations to be examined
  • actions/production of psychogeophysic reports at divined locations
  • results; logs, discussion


Evidence from the earth: forensic geology and criminal investigation By Raymond C. Murray

Forensic geoscience: principles, techniques and applications By Kenneth Pye, Debra J. Croft, Geological Society of London


Cumulative plot of RNG vs. cumulative normal distribution p=0.05 (green)


Audio and radio


monument.txt · Last modified: 2011/11/30 21:31 by m
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