Table of Contents


Although circuit boards were designed (based on the ATmega32u4) for environment and psyche collection, due to time constraints, available materials were patched around the Arduino MEGA (environment) and self-made ATmega8-based Arduino (psyche). Both boards (and openEEG module) send retrieved data to the PC/laptop at 57,600 baud serial.

On the laptop we run: X

with X as number of attached interfaces. This logs to: timestamp.log (env and psyche) and timestamp.eeg.log (with GPS also). plots the first log (psyche and env) as series of mapped plots in the logimages directory. plots the FFT peaks (frequency of most energy) against GPS.

Both softwares generate and save intermediate files


Notes: DRL is on wrist, one electrode (CH1-) on ear, other electrode (CH1+) on forehead in a monopolar setup, with CH2+ and - internally connected to VGND. Testing is with eegmir (f2 and use B S followed by number for gain).


Running psyche.pde

Cabling: green to right with USB on left.

data:fft_real(both from impedance), fft_img_data, temperature, GSR


running env.pde

data: lat, lon, temp, light, lf, hf, ttt(FGM), accum (RNG)
