====== Images for publicity and other purposes ====== {{:summit:preimages:ctm09_2.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:ctm09_small.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:daemons.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:struct30.jpg|}} (mh) see also: http://scrying.org/doku.php?id=tempelhof:images [all above images by Danja Vassiliev and Kathrin Guenter] Kamera for thoughtography: {{:summit:katier2.jpg|}} thoughtographic exposure at //the castle of the teutonic knights//, torun poland {{:summit:castle01.jpg|}} thoughtographic exposure during a book reading: {{:summit:dracula01.jpg|}} thoughtographic city: berlin {{:summit:p1060151.jpg|}} {{:summit:p1060156.jpg|}} {{:summit:p1060161.jpg|}} all images by kathrin günter {{:summit:dscf4710sm.jpg|}}{{:summit:dscf4721sm.jpg|}}{{:summit:dscf4733sm.jpg|}} jk - brain_writing - for large file versions http://www.psychogeophysics.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=120&h=90&media=summit:dscf4710.jpg http://www.psychogeophysics.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=120&h=90&media=summit:dscf4721.jpg http://www.psychogeophysics.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=120&h=90&media=summit:dscf4733.jpg **Camera obscura workshop:** Camera obscura "model 1" made from extremely cheap materials: - lens from Chinese 1-euro shop - disposable cardboard from supermarket wastebin - glue - ducktape. {{:summit:camera_obscura_model_1_picture.jpg|}} You can see that the projection gives a nice lomo effect. {{:summit:preimages:camera_obscura_model_1.jpg|}} I have "perfected" the design for easier construction. This is "model 2". Model 2 is simpler to construct, more solid and gives a better and bigger picture. Now it is possible to draw the scene that you see on the transparent paper. You can see my simple drawing in the lower left corner. {{:summit:preimages:camera_obscura_model_2_and_drawing.jpg|}} At the workshop I will try to make Model 3 - which should be even easier to use for drawing, but more difficult to construct because it uses an extra mirror. **Parabolic microphone workshop:** We will experiment with an extremely simple parabolic microphone consisting of: - an op-amp preamplifier kit - ready to be soldered - a miniature microphone - some wires and audio connector - a 9v battery I have ordered 6 kits. The umbrella we will have to find somewhere in a shop. I will bring only two umbrellas myself. {{:summit:preimages:parabolic_microphone_setup.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:parabolic_microphone_detail.jpg|}} Although it is just a preamplifier, the kit is powerful enough to drive headphones. This contraption is sensitive enough to detect an audio source at the other side of the room that I cannot hear unaided. I suspect that the frequency performance is poor, because a 1000Hz source is amplified less than an 500 HZ source. **Observation workshop** Just a few book sources for scientific enjoyment of the city: - Lower left: the classic physics observation books of Marcel Minnaert - Lower right: the classic nature observation books of Nico Tinbergen - Upper right: the classic geology observation book of P. van der Lijn - In between: some modern like minded observers and explorers: - urban flora - lichens - clouds - waves - sun, moon + stars = classic navigation - urban geology Just a few sources for my talk + walk ... {{:summit:a_few_sources.jpg|}} **Camera obscura workshop:** Model three. A bit fidgety to construct but easier to use for drawing. {{:summit:preimages:camera_obscura_model_3_-_1.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:camera_obscura_model_3_-_4.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:camera_obscura_model_3_-_2.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:camera_obscura_model_3_-_3.jpg|}} {{:summit:preimages:camera_obscura_model_3_-_5.jpg|}}