{{:summit2011:f2.jpg|//image: Lightning Research Group, Univ. Florida// }} new psychotronic generators Attempts will be made to harness and/or recreate lightening as the engine for creating new geological mixes to be formed on the base geology of the Suffolk countryside. Admixtures of copper, gold, magnesium, magnetite, silicon, silver will be embedded in silica-based escarpments in preparation for both mundane and spectacular methods of harnessing colossal electrostatic discharges. The custom fulgurites will be made available for further experimentation and bioplasmic investigation (for example, through Kirlian photography). http://www.flickr.com/photos/uair01/sets/72157627590531553/with/6166306951/ {{:summit2011:artifcial_fulguritesm.jpg|}} {{:summit2011:custom_fulgurite.jpg|custom_synthetic_fulgurite, CSV, Ipswich, 03.09.2011}} Fulgurites http://www.lightning.ece.ufl.edu/pictures/fulgurites/fulg.htm Lightning Europe: http://www.meteox.co.uk/h.aspx?r=&jaar=-3&soort=lightning Suffolk Storms f/b group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=125786344120125&v=wall Ipswich Weather Tracker: http://www.ipswichweather.co.uk/current.htm //scroll down for real time lightning data//